Back to basics. pokemon!
I weren't able to post a PokemonThursday...
My computer was visiting the computer doctor.... It had issues.
It's fine now.
But that idiot made my wallet thinner.
Actually my moms wallet... But whatever....
Thanks mom!
So here you go:
wrongly written on the drawing.
How awkward...
Have I shown you this one before?
My memory was eaten by a goldfish.
I'm sorry.
This is a bug type.
And does only exist in the Kanto region.(?)
It's rare in the newer seasons...
Normal type.
It's a deer looking creature.
How boring.
Normal and deers are boring.
oh, look! It's a normal deer again!
This is a psycic type too.
And looks more like a giraffe.
Ant that tail! It's a mario cart figure!
How cool is that?!
Not as cool as this:
the other way around.
Cool huh? ;)
and last one:
this Pokemon is kind of unknown.
(see what I did there?)
It lives in old ruins that has something to do with space.
Thanks to its Psycic powers Unown can look different.
Like these:
See the alphabet?
cool huh? ;)
I love Pokemon.
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