So much homework...
It's literally taking over my bed!
If school had a face, it should be hit in it.. by these ones:
It's small
but has a very energic fighting spirit.
It challenges anyone who disturbs it.
Rough guy... o.o
It reminds me of....
screw it.
It doesn't remind me of anything.
It's pretty unique..
It evolves into:
not the dog.
Uses its red hands/gloves,
and likes to punch stuff..
OR evolves into:
Karate master.
Kiks stuff..
scary eyes.
OR evolves into:
Yes, it's upside down
no, it's not always upside down.
But I drew it like this so screw you.
It likes to spin on its head
and kick stuff at the same time..
The hardest decision is
Should Tyrogue evolve into
Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop?
Rough choice..
Turogue and Hitmontop are prety normal fighting types,
Hitmonchan and Hotmonlee
HitmonCHAN and HitmonLEE
It's like so awesome I can't even sit properly.
I want a pokemon inspired by me too!
And here I am,
reading newspapers
because that's seriously my homework.
Screw it.
I'll just draw and watch anime.
Have a nice Monday, guys!
You can't say that nicely...
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