I've been playing sims 3.
Today I saw:
- Fall/autumn
- Red leaves
Some trees like palms and bamboo stays green, which sucks..
- A puppy
who unexpectedly evolved into a huge dog instead of a small dog that I had planed... bitch.
- 2 dead fish
- Pirouettes at the skating rink
- Fog
- Hail
- A unicorn.
a white one.
Then I started watching YouTube vidos about The Sims.
Yes... THE Sims = the first Sims game. Which was relised in 2000.
Holy crap.
Yes I had some nostalgia moments,
like the way the fire looked,
the wavy kitchen table-things,
the fish tank,
and the plants. <3
I love sims 3.
and seasons.
yes I got it for christmas.
I didn't tell you that... did I....
From one nostalgia moment to another:
Almost like "Why Not" in some cool accent.
The big question here is...
Is that ears or hands....?!?!
It looks like ears,
but Wynaut uses them as hands...
Wierd things are happening...
Not really. It's Pokemon.
The eye on it's tail.
The ^^ eyes.
The bump in its face.
I will not comment on them.
Because It's Pokemon.
Let me just.... WTH?!
I'm in war with myself here.
who evolves into:
aaaaand I'm blasting off again....
The famous Team Rocket member.
next to Jessie, James and Meowth that is.
It's wierd.
It's stupid.
It can use reflection and mirrorcoat.
(sends the attack back at the opponent)
It's in some way awesome.
And hilarious.
And stupid.
Who the fuck came up with the name Wobbuffet anyway.
Sounds like a restaurant worse than McDonald's.
JK. There's nothing worse than McDonald's...
Psychic types.
If Pokemon was a big part of your childhood,
Wobbuffet is in there somewhere.
with it's creepy smile which suits best on a pumpkin for halloween.
Yeah, I saw pumpkins today too!
Love Sims 3 seasons.
If The Sims 1 also was a part of your childhood,
Here you go: Nostalgia ftw.
That guy kind of ruins it though.... He doesn't build a proper house.....
wanted to see more of them furniture...
But whatever, He's hilarious.
I love him.
...or whatever...
I'm still in war with myself.
No I'm not.
Yeah.. I should blast off again....
#Sorry #MyJokesSucksToday #GivemeSomeFood #SoICanShutUp #PuttingHashtags #because
#ImAGirl #And #ThatsWhatGirlsDo #Tired #Oh #Look #ItsFriday #Fish
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