Saturday, July 28, 2012


And here I thought that in summer you have all the time in the world, to blog and such.
And yes, you have.
But when you have a lot of time, parents want to go to places, where you can't blog.
Not even check your twitter!
*not connected to any network*
= fuck you too...

What have I done this summer..?
I don't remember.
All I know is that when I came home, I had a lot of pictures of flowers with me..
I must have had a very boring half an hour in the paradise of flowers (=grandma's garden)

Lily's. My favorite. I think I'm turning old.
(I don't know what the other flower's are called -.-')

If I look at these photos winter time, I will start crying.

But summer is still not through. So I'm gonna be happy a little while longer.
Have a nice day ^^

PS. You should see my pokemon wall.. Almost finished!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


This is how I feel right now:


Just a pile of mud.

Who evolves into:

a bigger pile of mud.

Again. My camera skills..

They are stinky, sticky and purple.
They live in swamps.
Poison types.

You've seen this joke, right?

You disgusting creep.
It's funny.

I need a shower..


Yes. I'm dead.
By bugs and dirt.
Did you know that ants like sweat. No, they do not drink it. They eat it..
That's my apology this time for not bloging.
The ants bite my arms off.
My god. I could become a horror author o_o

Cont. ...And these psyducks bit my toes of. One By One..

And they took a real big shit all over our jetty -.-
It didn't even go away with boiling water and soap.
The ducks did tho..


Wednesday, July 4, 2012


On my way to hell.
To a little house by the sea.
With no electicity and clean water.
Only sunshine and bugs.
Yep, I'll die...

If not of boringness..
I might be eaten...
3 days.... wish me luck..

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


And this is what happens when I watch too many Studio Ghibli Movies:

My brain is infected by fairytales and epicness.
Somebody, help me.


I have finally found something that is better than Disney.
(Okay Disney will always be the best cuz that's my whole childhood)
But today, right now, I like Studio Ghibli the most!
I think I'm turning japanese...
First Pokemon, then some anime series, and now movies....
..Actually all of them at the same time!
My life is a cartoon right now, and I LOVE IT !

I'm not gonna compare Disney and Studio Ghibli if that's what you thought. It's just... Studio Ghibli movies aren't musicals....
They just have this absolutley gorgeous soundtracks
made by Joe Hisaishi. ----->
Like this one (from "Howl's Moving castle")
Beautiful. Will be played at my wedding! (wedding? me?! hahhahahhahha)

These are the movies that I've watched and made me change my Disney loving heart:

First up:
Spirited away
I saw it everywhere! People all over YouTube liked it and I looked at the trailer and I was like "wtf.."
But I watched it
 and while I was wathing it I still was like "wtf?!"
But afterwards i was like,
It was the wierdest thing I'd ever seen!
And I loved it!
I'll give it 8 / 10 stars

That's how my research started...

Next up:
Princess Mononoke
I still don't know where the name comes from...
This movie made my day.
Awesome, beautiful and epic at the same time.
There's just one thing.....
Is cutting peoples heads and arms of, disgusting demons and blood really allowed in children's movies...?
I was just wondering....
I'll give it 8 and a half / 10 stars

Howl's Moving Castle
I was laughing like an idiot through the whole thing!
The old lady and the fire and the destroyed hair..
I've got problems..
I'll give this one 9 and a half / 10 stars
not 10 because of the black door...
This is my favourite one so far.
And the music.... BIG LOVE !

After that:
Laputa- Castle in the sky
The beginning when the two main characters met,
was priceless! Sooo funny!
And it was beautifully made!
I can't belive it was made in 1986!!!
I'll give it 7 / 10 stars

NausicaƤ of the walley of the wind
What does NausicaƤ mean...?!
This wasn't that good.
Yes it was beautifully made, and the story was good,
But a little too little love...
and too many bugs...
I hate bugs...
5 and a half / 10 stars

One of my favourites:
The secret World of Arrietty
So sad but so sweet!
And the music in this one!!!!
Not made by Joe Hisaishi but still perfect!
9/10 stars

From up on Poppy Hill
This one haven't been made in English yet,
so I watched it in Japanese with subs.
Absolutely brilliant!
Based on a true story.
True love.
Geezus I'm lonely :D
9 / 10 stars

Last one:
Ocian Waves
and a bit boring..
The story was cool.
The girl was a bitch...
not cool.
4 / 10
But I don't regret watching it.

(Just so you know, All these movies are Japanese own by Studio Ghibli,
and the english versions of most of them are own by Disney.
So yes, I do love Disney with all my heart.)

These aren't all of them, I still have alot of movies to watch
Like this one:
Tales from Eartsea
I'm gonna watch it right now!
I hope it's good...
I mean, come on, Dragons? What was I thinking?! Everything with Dragons is awesome!
Ofcourse it's good!

Now I have finally christmas to look forward to.
I want a total Studio Ghibli movie collection
and a Joe Hisaishi's best soundtracks CD.
That's why I'm waiting until christmas ;)
I want to relive my childhood ^^
I'm wierd as fuck.
I know.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Guess what I've been doing for 2 days!
You can guess forever and never get it right!
Cuz this is wierd!

I've painted a swan!
On a wall!
In a toilet!

This is how it became in detail after 9 hours of work:

Pretty cool, huh?
Pity you can't move the painting anywhere...
You may only look at it when you are taking a crap...

This is btw the coolest toilet paper ever!
...Except I would never dare to use it...

Let's see what I'll be doing next!