Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So... I put the Catherine Deneuve Drawing on Twitter for people to see...
Then someone who adores Meryl Streep tweeted me
and asked me if I could draw one of Meryl.
I said I had already done that....

...but that I could make another one if she wanted me too.
That's just how nice I am.

She tweeted me this picture:

And I drew it.

Had to give her a proper head and hair...
I don't like when parts are missing and half of someones head is outside the paper...

It's not the best I've drawn, I must say that....

But I guess it works.
At least the Meryl Streep-adoring person said she liked it when I tweeted it to her.

Twitter is the most awesome place ever.
I'm not religious.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Just flying around, minding my own business
and omg, I bump into this one:


I can't decide if this pink bat-looking thing
is cute or creepy...

Ash'es Gligar is kind of cute...
and stupid....

These can't actually fly by themselves.
They just glide on and with the wind...
if you know what I mean....

Who evolves into:


A bigger bat-looking thing.
with creepy eyes.

They still can't fly by themselves.

Also Ash'es Gliscor is cute... and stupid.

They're for some reason flying types
which is wierd because they can't fly on their own, as I've been saying like 3 times now...
But they're also ground types....
Which makes kind of sense because they're on the ground when not flying...

God I miss watching these episodes!
I can't watch them again, because that would be the third time -.-

I don't know what this is doing here... But it's cool. ^^

Sunday, January 20, 2013


So much homework...
It's literally taking over my bed!
If school had a face, it should be hit in it.. by these ones:


It's small
but has a very energic fighting spirit.
It challenges anyone who disturbs it.
Rough guy... o.o

It reminds me of....
screw it.
It doesn't remind me of anything.
It's pretty unique..

It evolves into:


not the dog.

Uses its red hands/gloves,
and likes to punch stuff..

OR evolves into:


Karate master.
Kiks stuff..

scary eyes.

OR evolves into:


Yes, it's upside down
no, it's not always upside down.
But I drew it like this so screw you.

It likes to spin on its head
and kick stuff at the same time..

The hardest decision is
Should Tyrogue evolve into
Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop?
Rough choice..

Turogue and Hitmontop are prety normal fighting types,
Hitmonchan and Hotmonlee

HitmonCHAN and HitmonLEE
It's like so awesome I can't even sit properly.

I want a pokemon inspired by me too!

And here I am,
reading newspapers
because that's seriously my homework.
Screw it.
I'll just draw and watch anime.

Have a nice Monday, guys!
You can't say that nicely...

Sunday, January 13, 2013


There is something so wrong with my stomach.
I'd like to trade places with someone. Anyone.
Even a frozen bug would feel better than me right now..

This isn't a bug type.
It's a normal type.
A tired one.


It's so boring.
It doesn't even evolve.
But all children want it.

It doesn't have purpose.
(Like alot of other things in this world)
Yes, I'm depressed.
Die stomach! Die!

Should I watch Disney's
Treasure Planet
Brother Bear

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Holy Jesus and his golden, slim underpants,
There will be a 6th generation of pokemon.

Know what that means?
I still haven't drawn every pokemon...

The 6th generation starter pokemon:

I want the fire type! As usual.

Wonder when all the new pokemon will be shown...
Wonder where the new region is...
Wonder what the name of the new region is...
Wonder if Iris and Cilan goes with him there... Not Cilan please!
Wonder if he gets new friends and pokemon...
Wonder if Paul comes back... Yes please!
What a wonderful world.

Can't wait <3

Friday, January 4, 2013


Finally time for

The most colorful and pathetic circles ever!

But when it comes to Manga and Anime, nothing is pathetic.
So here you go:

Rainbow Girl 1
Black dress, Rainbow hair

Rainbow Girl 2
Rainbow dress, Black hair

More rainbows:

I love this picture too much!
When I die, I want this on my gravestone.


That might be it...
Oh yeah, My birthday was yesturday...
Have a nice day!


Thursday, January 3, 2013


Let the rainbows wait.

I got a challenge from fangirlll.blogspot.fi

and I won't run away and hide behind som curtains as usual..
MARK: that never works...

so here we go...... *sigh*


1. Tell 11 things about yourself
2. Answer challengers 11 questions
3. Invent 11 new questions
4. Challenge 11 bloggers
5. Tell them that you've challenged them

Why the fuck is it 11 everywhere?!


1. Tell 11 things about yourself

1. I love anime/manga/cartoons
2. I draw
3. I love Chinese food and pasta
4. I have a good memory
5. I love making people laugh
6. I hate swimming
7. I listen to ALL kinds of music, but beautiful music is the best
8. I have a chipmunk voice, and I use it all the time when I'm home alone
9. I've never been drunk or smoked
10. I dream every night. Don't remember everything tho.
11. My birthday is tomorrow


2. Answer challengers 11 questions

1. What would be your dream job?
Something that saves Finland from bad cartoons.

2. What's your dream car?
Audi r8

3. Your favorite clothing?
Big t-shirts and big trousers, white socks

4. Your favorite artist?
Artist: Many different. Artists: One Direction

5. How are you at the moment?
Tired, afraid of becoming sick.

6. Do you have a crush on anyone? If, describe him/her
yes. Many Cartoon characters... oh, humans? then no.

7. Do you have any animals?

8. What's your favorite color?

9. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia BL-4ct   because it still works.

10. Your dream boyfriend?
Someone I trust, everyone else approves and likes.

11. Any piercings or tattoos? What? Do you want any?
Wait for it. I want tattoos, and I'll get them.
Piercings...does those usual on the ear count? 3 more of them in my right ear.


3. Invent 11 new questions
I'm too lazy to invent 11 questions


4. Challenge 11 bloggers
I don't know any... No friends... Forever alone.


5. Tell them that you've challenged them
Still no one to tell.


hah. That was fun.
Time for bed.

And happy new year guys!
Sorry for the delay ^^

Thanks Kia for the Challege!