Thursday, January 3, 2013


Let the rainbows wait.

I got a challenge from

and I won't run away and hide behind som curtains as usual..
MARK: that never works...

so here we go...... *sigh*


1. Tell 11 things about yourself
2. Answer challengers 11 questions
3. Invent 11 new questions
4. Challenge 11 bloggers
5. Tell them that you've challenged them

Why the fuck is it 11 everywhere?!


1. Tell 11 things about yourself

1. I love anime/manga/cartoons
2. I draw
3. I love Chinese food and pasta
4. I have a good memory
5. I love making people laugh
6. I hate swimming
7. I listen to ALL kinds of music, but beautiful music is the best
8. I have a chipmunk voice, and I use it all the time when I'm home alone
9. I've never been drunk or smoked
10. I dream every night. Don't remember everything tho.
11. My birthday is tomorrow


2. Answer challengers 11 questions

1. What would be your dream job?
Something that saves Finland from bad cartoons.

2. What's your dream car?
Audi r8

3. Your favorite clothing?
Big t-shirts and big trousers, white socks

4. Your favorite artist?
Artist: Many different. Artists: One Direction

5. How are you at the moment?
Tired, afraid of becoming sick.

6. Do you have a crush on anyone? If, describe him/her
yes. Many Cartoon characters... oh, humans? then no.

7. Do you have any animals?

8. What's your favorite color?

9. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia BL-4ct   because it still works.

10. Your dream boyfriend?
Someone I trust, everyone else approves and likes.

11. Any piercings or tattoos? What? Do you want any?
Wait for it. I want tattoos, and I'll get them.
Piercings...does those usual on the ear count? 3 more of them in my right ear.


3. Invent 11 new questions
I'm too lazy to invent 11 questions


4. Challenge 11 bloggers
I don't know any... No friends... Forever alone.


5. Tell them that you've challenged them
Still no one to tell.


hah. That was fun.
Time for bed.

And happy new year guys!
Sorry for the delay ^^

Thanks Kia for the Challege!

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