Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The A2 Drawing is done.

This has been my project for the last 3 or 4 months!

It really burned my nerves a few times.
I had to start again form the beginning twice.
And sometimes I didn't know if I would ever get it done.

But here it is:
see what I did there?

<- Dean Geyer

Tom Daley ->

<- Robert Downey Jr.

Zac Efron ->

<- Johnny Depp

Chris Hemsworth ->

<- Sam Claflin

I drew these sex gods to my friend who turned 18 in January.
I gave it to her today.....
Yes I know it's a little late. But whatever... She got it right?

Yes she got it....
That means she's the only one who can drool at it......
I can only drool at these pictures....


I'm super proud of myself for finishing it!
And it turned out great! If I may say that myself ^^

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