Sunday, October 21, 2012


Hang on, I haven't shown you the most epic pokemon there is!
This was my favourite Pokemon when I was little... next after Pikachu of course....


Eyes <3
Ears <3

big nosed-
so cute-

That is seriously a really big nose..
Voldemort would be so jealous.

who evolves into:


Just listen to that:
Perfect combination for awesomeness.
The big nose is kind of gone,
but now it's a unicorn with some pearls everywhere...
and with wings as its ears...
Still some kind of a worm.

who evolves into:
and here is the wierd part:


It took me a 5 year old boy to understand
that this 3rd evolution
isn't an evolution of its own;
that it has something to do
with the previous blue worms...

DRADON and NITE isn't as cool as the "air"-part, but it works i guess...
Seems like the worm in the previous evolution,
put on some weight,
grew some hands and feet,
eat a whole bunch of carrots,
and killed a grasshopper to get some antennas..
That's a lot of work....
well, at least it has proper wings now....
That's why It's also a flying type.

Can you believe that this fat dragon pokemon is one of the most powerful.
I mean.... It looks too it would never hurt a fly..

I Love them all
no matter if they are the colour of air or the colour of mustard...
They are dragon types,
and I love dragons!

Love them.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to get my marker, and draw a dragon tattoo.
Have a nice day.

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