Sunday, June 2, 2013


I was lying in the sun in hope of getting a tan.
What a joke.
I still look like an albino....

Well, at least I had some company..

Seriously. Everywhere.
And they did not want to shut the fuck up.
At least I now know that there are at least 4 nests all around our yard.
Idiots must have had some kind of garden party...



well... it looks like a ball.
poor guy.

It can look into the future, and the past,
and other cool stuff.
So, it is,
despite the fact that it looks like a ball,
pretty cool.

who evolves into:


this one is even cooler.
It can control the past,
the future
and the weather.

I want one.
Then I would be able to
make it sunny every day!
So I could lie there and get a tan
until I look like a piece of chocolate.
... More like ketchup....

Both flying and psychic types.
Both inspired by parrots... I think.

I want a parrot.
But first I want a dog.
Maybe I should name it Natu or Xatu...?
The parrot that is..

Anyway, wish me good luck getting a tan...
....Before that happens I might go to prison for animal abuse....
...damn birds...

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