Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My dear friends.
I have a challenge.
For myself.

The challenge is: drawing 12 drawings within 7 days!!!
Omg... I'm never gonna make it....
But I'll try!
...and I'll die...

My best friend is turning 17 within 7 days, and she has never goten a nice drawing,
drawn by me....
And the only thing she wanted for her birthday
(with a lot of other stuff...),
was a drawing of Liam Payne.
But I can do better than that ;)
Just as a "sorry-for-not-drawing-you-anything"-present!
My plan is to make her an own One Direction calendar,
that she can have on her wall, every year from that moment on.

Actually... I lied.... I've already drawn one of the 12 drawings... so there is only 11 left...
...only 11...
...7 days...?
mygod. I'm crazy...

here is the one I drew today:

It's not Liam Payne.
I'm still searching for the perfect picture of him....
But I found Naill Horan's perfect picture.
September?...Well you have to start somewhere...
Let's see if I'll make it through these days, or not.

1 comment:

  1. ERIKA!! hur i sjutton kan du rita så häär bra!!?? ja avundas dig, men ja har ju teckningen som du gav mej i julklapp på min garderobsdörr :D ja vet va ja vill ha av dig ti födisen :D :D haéehhee
